Monday, July 30, 2012

Freddy's Photos (14/52)

This week has been about listening carefully to world around me.  And as visual as photography is, I find it extremely aural as well. To capture these sounds is extremely difficult, especially with some of the performance photography I've been doing lately, but when I "hear" the photo, I know I've succeeded. Sometimes I don't even know success till I'm at home editing, but I'm learning to recognize them earlier on and not let the moments pass me by.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Freddy's Photos - 13/52

I spent this weekend at my cousin's camp for "family day" when all the families get to check in on their campers, and see how they are doing. I had a moment where I had a flashback to my 11-year old self, having fun in the summer and wondered what I would tell myself at that age. The only thing I would remind myself is to just have fun every day. Ignore those people that don't want to be around me and find those that are willing to laugh and enjoy each day. It's actually the same advice I would give myself today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freddy's Photos - 10-11-12/52

Sneakers and Spas - what else could a girl want?

While I was spending my time refreshing the creative needs at a spa, I forgot to find time to write, so I'm cheating this week and combining a couple of fantastic sights over the past few weeks into 1 post.
 As a sneaker head - I choose my shoes carefully based on a few factors (1) colour (match the outfit) (2) comfort (3) the last time they've seen the light of day. I believe my sneakers say a lot about me. They are colourful, unique, and I always seek out something I've never seen before. I find the more I'm shooting similar situations, I approach it the same as I do my sneaker choices. (1) colour (2) comfort - how does the photo make me feel? (3) when was the last time I took a photo like this? bonus points for the answer "never".
And what do spas have to do with photos? I think spas have to do more with taking some time out of always being connected to my devices than the actual art of photography. After 3 days of heavenly departure from the real world, I was glad to have my camera back. I appreciated it a lot more, and was excited to be able to capture the images that I love. It also put me in such a calm mood, I was able to approach a busy shooting schedule with a lot of energy.  Everyone, regardless of their own pursuits, should always take time to breathe and recharge - and buy a new pair of sneakers.