Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Direction is Clear(er)

Met with an objective obsever to my photography tonight - what an eye-opening experience!! All along I've been taking photos that I like, of people and things that make me happy. Looking at all my photos in a collection, all this time I've actually been heading towards a style, feel and career. I'm basking in the thought that I'm on my way (although baby steps it might be).
I've always been a linear thinker. Having a goal for my work (not to mention my business) is paramount to keep me on track, and thanks to Rob, I now have a very clear one for when I shoot.
I know my work over the next few weeks is going to be critical, and I have every confidence that it will be successful.
If anyone else is struggling, get someone you trust to give you a fresh perspective (on anything, not just photography) and I swear, it will change the bounce in your step instantly.
Check out Rob's work here: www.rdaphoto.com - He's awesome!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Portfolio Woes

I'm in the process of finalizing my portfolio shots - or at least deciding which photos best represent me as a photographer at this time (the one at the right didn't make the 1st cut). I've printed up my best shots from the past 2 years, thrown them all over my house, and have taken the last week deciding which ones still catch my eye.

I have 50 favourites. I obviously have a problem with being objective/critical of my own work.

So, I'm going to get some professional advice, from a commercial shooter that I admire, and hopefully he can steer me into the right few for my website. It's a bit like putting your heart and soul on a table and someone playing operation on it. Not looking forward to the process, yet the outcome is worth it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Online Published Photo

Got some wonderful news over the weekend. One of my recent photos was voted to be apart of this awesome online mapping tool: schmap.

Link to my photo is here:

I took this photo while I was rushing to meet some friends for Dim Sum in Chinatown. Funny thing is, I took this with my iPhone. I normally always travel with a camera, but at time when fashion does not allow for a Crumpler bag, the iPhone has become my new photographic companion.

If Terry Richardson can take stunning photos with only and point'n'shoot, why can't I produce images through my iPhone?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Beginning Thoughts

From the day that I picked up a camera, I knew that it was always going to be an important part of my life. I'm now at an important cross-road in my creative life and I believe that becoming a professional photographer is where I need to be. I believe that there are others going through the same process and the only way we can all grow and continue to develop this community of photographers is to grow together. So, I enter into the blogsphere to do my part as a new member of this community. Welcome and look forward to sharing with you all!