Friday, July 24, 2009

Dancing in the Streets

One of the hardest parts about committing to the art of photography is constantly challenging myself. It is such an emotional ride, from the effort it takes, the thoughts and then the intense concentration needed for each shoot.

But then comes along a day when the stars align, the emotional ride is enjoyable, and every time the shutter closes I get a rush of happiness because I know the feeling I have will translate to the frames. The shot to the right was taken on just such a day.

I was taking a 1-day photo workshop that focused on capturing the movement of dance. This area of photography has been a focus of my portfolio development due to my love of the art. Although I do dabble in dance, the talent that these dancers/models brought to the set was inspiring. And the energy was unbelievable! You could just feel the exchange of creativity circling the photographers as the dancers performed.

Photography can sometimes be brain-scratching, frustrating and hard work, but when you get rewarded with days full of joy and creativity, it makes it all worth it. And the great thing is, every time I look at these images, I get that same rush of happiness that I did the day I shot them.

Now the trick is to try and repeat that happiness and rush every time I take photos!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Strobist Boot Camp - Assignment #2

Just completed the second installment of the Strobist Boot Camp (here).

I had just under a week to prepare for this shot. Which, in hindsight, is a ridiculous amount of time. However like all good photographers, I waited till close to the deadline to finalize my approach.

The hardest part of this shot was deciding on WHAT to shoot, but after spending 5 hours watching Federer and Roddick work out their frustrations on grass, I thought representing this tournament was a good start.

I had to restrain myself and think "simplicity". I started with a table full of Wimbledon accessories: a tennis racket, purple and green cloths, photos of Federer, even a trophy. But then I remembered some advice I received a long time ago: start with 1 item and add slowly - only what necessary.

I approached the lighting with the same thinking. A single strobe (430 EX) placed high-right of frame. In addition 2 reflectors used to highlight the left/front sides of the white bowl (to add details in the shadows).

I think this shot was a lot more successful than my first assignment.
1) I simplified the shot as much as possible. Tried to eliminate all the was not necessary to convey the message. I think I could have gone even further.
2) I like the lighting. I am happy with the texture on the strawberries.
3) I wish I had a food stylist. I just couldn't get the berries to lay the right way. It looks a bit haphazard.

See the group shots here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gangs of Kensington Market

Spent my Sunday wandering a local Toronto mainstay for downtown dwellers: Kensington Market with a group of amateur photographers. I am not normally a good "group" photographer. I usually run away from those gathering en-masse with cameras in hand (see earlier post), but this type of event does offer some really great perks:

1) My photography becomes more cerebral rather than reactive. I look harder for that unique shot, because 5 other photographers are following behind me taking in the same sights. (Today, I approach the day with "detail" in my mind. I forced this by only shooting with a 50mm lens, that allowed me a limited range of what I could capture. It also forced me to walk up to what I was shooting and become more involved in my subject).

2) I took a lot of time to watch my fellow photographers to see what they focused on. It amazed me to see what caught our attention.

3) Patio Beers. What's better than sitting on a warm patio, having a cool beer, talking about our experience?

Check out all our photos here.

Even if you can only get out with 1 other photographer, I think it's a great chance to expand your view of what makes an interesting photo.

Can't wait to set up more shoots like this in the near future.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tell All Your Friends

Part of the struggle in becoming a professional photographer has nothing to do with getting jobs, figuring out how to light a scene, or looking for inspiration. The biggest struggle is much closer to home: self-doubt. However it's very easy to overcome. Live it out loud, everyday.

Tell everyone you know "I am a photographer". Tell people you don't know. Strike up conversations with people in a coffee shop and introduce yourself. But most of all, believe it everyday. It may have been a SNL skit with Stuart Smalley, but Daily Affirmations are powerful.

Wake up everyday with "I am a photographer". Leave self-doubt at home.
And remember to tell all your friends (you never know where you next job will come from).